Wednesday Comics hit the shelves last week, and it's not a stretch to suggest that it's likely the most original idea that will come out of the Big Two this year. In an industry seemingly cursed with an endless stream of continuity-glazed crossovers impenetrable to those who weren't baptized into fandom decades ago, such a break from staleness should be welcome. I've recently wondered if my adult self would have ever gotten into comics had I not grown up with Super Powers action figures and the old box of 1960s comics at my grandparents' house. Would the comics of today have been readable enough to do the trick? The truth is that, despite the superhero movie boom, Marvel and DC will have to come up with something fresh to attract new readership before the bubble bursts.
Wednesday Comics is exactly the type of creative thinking that fits the bill. It's an out-of-the-ordinary concept being successfully marketed and gaining attention by the mainstream media. Which is why it pains me to say that it isn't going to work.
Yes, though I applaud the risk that DiDio and company are taking here, I think sales for Wednesday Comics will be relatively low. I don't think it will have broad appeal for non-comics readers, and I also think it lacks the content to make it a smash for those who already pick up the monthlies.
Let's start by looking at the tastes of the public at large when it approaches the fringes of the comics world. Namely, there's the high grosses brought in by superhero movies, but there's also the fact that trade paperbacks and graphic novels do okay among the masses. There's no doubt that people have an interest in superhero fare, but they tend to flock toward the genre when it is presented in a more comprehensive, in-depth format. The most successful movies of late have delved into the origins of their heroes alongside exploring their psychological makeup in a real world context. And trade paperbacks, though they're technically the same things sold in the "floppies," allow for a complete story to be told at once.
The problem with Wednesday Comics, as it pertains to mass appeal, is that it moves in the opposite direction from "regular" comics as do the things above. Each segment of a Wednesday Comics issue gives you (at most) the equivalent of two pages of a standard comic. This means that not only will each individual issue be deficient in story depth, but the series' entire 12-issue run won't be long enough to pack much of a cumulative punch either.
If movies like Iron Man and graphic novels like Watchmen challenge the public's preconceived notions about the simplicity of superheroes, Wednesday Comics reinforces them. By adopting the format and length of a Sunday paper funnies section, the series stands poised to breath new life into the scoffer's argument that comics are still "kids' stuff." The "Biff, Bam, Pow!" jokes I heard outside the IMAX theater where I saw The Dark Knight just a year ago served as a painful reminder that the genre still has a long way to go in some segments of the populace.
For the card-carrying fanboy, I also doubt the ability of Wednesday Comics to attract a significant following. Sure, there will be some who are caught up in the artsiness of it all. But when it comes down to it, clever art experiments are not what fill pull lists on a weekly basis. Even though a star artist can bolster the sales of a popular book, basically there are two elements that can launch a comic to the top of the charts, both story-driven. A top-selling book either promises a significant addition to shared universe continuity (think Secret Invasion) or a standalone tale epic enough to convince readers to step outside the comforts of "canon" (like All Star Superman). Wednesday Comics, unlinked to continuity and not long enough to sustain a robust story, meets neither of these requirements.
Also worth mentioning, though it has been much discussed elsewhere, is the problem posed by Wednesday Comics' price tag. I can't imagine either newbies or lifers happily plopping down $4 for something that looks and feels like a newspaper.
So, it is with a somewhat heavy heart that Infinite Kizes predicts the financial failure of DC's endeavor with Wednesday Comics. Even worse is my fear that it will all amount to a wasted opportunity to bring the joy of comics to the unconverted. I do hope that, if this all plays out as I think it will, DC and Marvel won't shrink back from searching out new, innovative ways to deliver their product.
For an opposing view, check out
last week's When World's Collide, by the much smarter and more articulate Timothy Callahan of Comic Book Resources.
The Superman serial from Wednesday Comics can be read each week online at
USA Today.