Don't get me wrong. It would be obvious to even the most minimally literate toddler why Flash: Rebirth is a big deal to comics fans right now. It marks the reintroduction of Barry Allen, the Silver Age Flash who's been dead for more than 20 years here on Earth-Real, to modern DC Universe continuity. But this is only its plot significance. What I'm looking for is something deeper, a paradigm shift in the essence of the Flash story, a restructuring of its very foundations.
To best understand what I mean, one must look back to the first time a "Rebirth" label was slapped onto the cover of a DC miniseries. Back then it was Johns again who was involved, breathing new life into the Green Lantern franchise. Story-wise, GL: Rebirth was similar to its Flash namesake, returning the green power ring to Hal Jordan, who had also been gone a while, at various points corrupted, killed, and Spectreized. But that was not all this milestone series did.

Such mythological concepts have shaped the telling of essentially every Green Lantern story in the four years since. And even though these tales have been written mostly by Johns himself, there's enough material there for other writers to mine for years to come. In reading the original Rebirth mini, I felt as if the entire history of Green Lantern comics had been building to the revelations contained therein. In my judgment, this is what elevated the series to mythology status, a talent Johns has demonstrated in various degrees in most of the rest of his comics work.
The problem with Flash, however, is that the character already underwent the Johns treatment back before Geoff was even a spot on the comics creator horizon. Throughout the 90's and early 2000's, Mark Waid crafted one of the finest runs on a title that comicdom has ever known. His legendary Flash tenure cemented Wally West as THE Flash for a generation of readers. Furthermore, Waid's creation of the Speed Force, the semi-spiritual energy that powers Flash and all similar heroes, provided a mythological underpinning for Flash comics before it became trendy to do so.

As I predicted above would happen in future years for Green Lantern, Waid's mythology already has become the inspiration for his successors on Flash. In fact, it appears to be at the very heart of Geoff Johns' plans for Barry Allen in Rebirth. This doesn't mean that Johns won't find clever and creative ways to utilize the Speed Force to tell a new story, but it does mean that room for him to embark upon wholesale reinvention of the Flash universe will be a bit scarce. In other words, while Flash: Rebirth will no doubt earn its place alongside other classic Flash stories in a longbox, it'll be Mark Waid's work that headlines the collection.
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