And despite the fact that I'm without a doubt a story driven guy...
Even though the Superman strip in USA Today has been really lousy...
(Seriously, did they really just recap his origin again???)
And that Brian Azzarello, the man behind "Broken City" and "For Tomorrow," is writing Batman...
It was really hard to walk by the numerous available copies of Wednesday Comics at my local comics shop and not buy a big stack of them.
Granted, I stuck to my guns and didn't add anything extra to my pull list this week (it helped that they didn't have issue 1), but it wasn't without some serious fanboy angst. You can bet I was already planning a visit to eBay just to check out prices on the drive home. Something about seeing other people buy the actual product in the store tugged at my heartstrings. And it's impossible to ignore all the positive buzz online. I could envision myself spreading open my own copy in front of me, basking in all its superheroic colorfulness.
I wouldn't really be going back on my word by doing so. It's not like I made any predictions about the quality of Wednesday Comics. I even praised it for its originality. And I still think that it won't entice new readership. In fact, I'm even more convinced of this now that I've seen how uninspired the one strip DC is promoting in the mainstream press has been.
But there could be other fans out there like me who initially decided to save their cash but are now being drawn in by that tempting bundle of folded newsprint on the shelves. And if so, it could translate to bigger numbers for Wednesday Comics than I expected.
July sales figures to be announced shortly...
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